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  • On The Beach
    On The Beach
    A young man whose girlfriend has emigrated from Iran, has been waiting for her on the beach for days. His brother visits him every day and brings him food and water and sometimes blames him. But one day…
    The friendship between an aging physics professor and his fresh-out-of-college assistant is put to the test as the assistant realizes he is becoming his boss’s caretaker.
  • Adjustment of Status
    Adjustment of Status
    An immigration officer has a surprise revelation during a not-so-routine Green Card interview.
  • Urban
    Three stories, "Until I Met You in NYC," "Leo Dan," and "Television Star," are interconnected in a neighborhood in NYC by an opioid drug deal gone wrong. Written and directed by Antonio De La Cruz.
  • White Eyes
    White Eyes
    A young woman fresh to New York City moves into a new apartment where a vicious Demon awaits to make her pay for her devilish past.
  • The Inventor
    The Inventor
    In July 1916, Garrett Morgan and his brother Frank risked their lives to save miners trapped in an underground inferno using an invention of Garrett's own making. But the morning newspapers left their heroic efforts out of the story entirely. (Inspired by true events).
  • The Romano's
    The Romano's
    A psychological thriller starring Joseph D’Onofrio & Renee Wood. A couple going through conflicts from social media that might get deadly.
  • For Unto Us
    For Unto Us
    In the year 4 BC, Israel is under the colonial rule of the Roman Empire. With the unexpected appearance of the Roman soldiers, pandemonium breaks loose in the small town of Bethlehem. The Israelites await the coming of the Messiah, in hopes that he will deliver them from tyranny. Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary arrive in Bethlehem and Mary immediately goes into labor. Joseph desperately sear...
  • Bluff
    Leonid and German are business partners, former friends and members of an elite poker club. Here, using card game, players can solve conflicts much more serious than money they bet. How far they are ready to go in this game, as like as in life confrontation, and who’ll win it - depends on ability to evaluate every own step...
  • Der Platz
    Der Platz
    Stranded in Cold War-era Berlin, a British counterintelligence officer anxiously awaits the day his handlers arrive to collect him. Given no information but a time and a place, he diligently keeps his appointment, watching and waiting for something to happen; even as weeks turn to years . . .